Chemex Bonded Unbleached Filter | 6-13 Cup
Chemex Bonded Unbleached Filter | 6-13 Cup
37b North Front St.
37b North Front St.
Kingston NY 12401
United States
Set of 100 filters
Made of unbleached fibers. - Designed for a full-flavored, clean-tasting brew, these durable, oxygen-cleansed paper coffee filters are up to 30% thicker than other filters on the market. Their top-quality construction allows only the purest flavor elements to flow through, keeping bitter sediment, oils and coffee grounds out of your cup.
Designed for use with the 6-, 8- or 10-cup Chemex coffee maker.
Precision folded into a cone shape that guarantees uniform extraction as water flows through the grounds.
Oxygen paper-cleansing technique is safe and bleach free, ensuring no chemical flavor or residue is imparted to the filter—or your coffee.
Set of 100